world heritage

Juan A. García-Esparza

Researcher Name: 
Juan A. García-Esparza

Universitat Jaume I

Contact Email: 
Description of Research in Relation to Placemaking : 

This project critically explores the evaluation of Historic Centres (HC) to establish new perspectives for the management of their values and attributes. The unconventional interpretation of HC revises international guidelines and national legislation to achieve new approaches to the cultural diversity of heritage places. A methodological approach that complements the proposals of the English Heritage (the historical area assessment) and the UNESCO (the historical urban landscape approach) aims to integrate the social and cultural aspects of HC; an issue in line with the proposals of the New Urban Agenda. 

In this sense, the project will analyse how the eventual cultural, architectural and social stratification depends on the ability to select and assimilate heterotopias and autotopias (as different visions of heritage). International charts and guidelines on heritage conservation are recognized as forms that need updating to manage the HC. Therefore, this project aims to address narrative interpretations as forms of behaviour, expressions and adaptations that result in idiosyncratic innovation and experimentation. The project is based on four assumptions related to the transformation of the HC through cultural processes, where wider and more inclusive alternative areas of great importance for sociocultural and architectural diversity emerge.


Interest in Contribution Field/Context: 

By connecting this project with the expertise of the colleagues in this Action; looking for innovative methods of appraisal.

Case Studies Conducted / Participated In: 

Nowadays, I am the PI of the project DocPlaceS.

External Stakeholders Engaged With: 

ICOMOS (CIVVIH International)

Modes of Investigation: 

Quantitative and visual exploration (through online photography evaluation).