COST Action Deliverables

CA18204 - Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe´s cities

This Action is addressing the following main, overall questions:

- How does digitization encourage urban inhabitants in the production and horizontal (peer to peer) dissemination of local urban knowledge? And how does it contribute to the strengthening of local identities based on the cultural and urban knowledge they produce?

- How do digital tools-based knowledge-production and communication support community driven placemaking and thus their participation in the urban governance, policy-making and planning processes in more direct and subtle ways?

- What are the placemaking practices by different stakeholders that allow re-imagining and reinventing urban public space? How do arts and cultural practices play role in this process? How do they contribute to the identifying of the obstacles against the emergence of public spaces in European cities, and to providing greater citizens’ involvement in public policymaking?

Specific Deliverables

  1. Kick-off conference: clarifying aims and theoretical approach followed by Course for doctoral students
    (MONTH 5)

  2. Design and release of the ACTION website. On the Action website all information will be made freely available. This Action website serves also as a basis for the digital platform of learning material offering among others podcasts and online learning courses.
    (MONTH 8)

  3. All WG Workshops 1: selection of 5 high quality and in-depth researched case studies within each WG. Content production for digital platform beta version. Editing digital publications and learning material.
    (MONTH 11)

  4. Thematic (plenum) meeting for all Action Members: Theoretical focus on the concepts of placemaking. Content production for digital platform beta version.
    (MONTH 15)

  5. International summer school with local stakeholders on placemaking theories and digitization practices in urban space. Content production for digital platform beta version.
    (MONTH 19)

  6. All WG Workshops 2: Implementation of theoretical focus on placemaking. Analyzing case studies from this specific perspective. Content production for digital platform beta version. Editing digital publications and learning material.
    (MONTH 23)

  7. Thematic (plenum) meeting for all Action Members: Theoretical focus on Agency and citizens’ knowledge and conceptualization of the first publication. Content production for digital platform beta version.
    (MONTH 26)

  8. All WG Workshops 3: Implementation of theoretical focus on agency and citizen´s knowledge on the case studies and editing of the first publication. Content production for digital platform beta version.Editing digital publications and learning material.
    (MONTH 31)

  9. First edited publication on urban digital place making based on the analysis of case studies and theoretical meetings.
    (MONTH 36)

  10. Thematic (Plenum meeting) for all Action Members on the Digital Platform for placemaking. Theoretical focus on Digital Placemaking.Content production for the digital platform beta version. (MONTH 38)

  11. All WG Workshops 4: Implementation of theoretical focus on Digital urban placemaking. Content production for the digital platform beta version. Editing digital publications and learning material.
    (MONTH 39)

  12. Concluding Conference on Digital urban placemaking. Release of the beta version of the digital platform.
    (MONTH 45)

  13. Digital publications and continous content and e-learning development for the digital platform.
    (MONTH 47)

Our Main Aim:

To conduct large-scale comparative studies across Europe. A large amount of data (empirical, statistical etc.) must be collected and analyses conducted before these comparisons can be realized.

This COST Action:

  • Draws on rich and varied, but fragmented research, and will help consolidate and develop transdisciplinary urban studies across Europe;

  • Enables the establishment of a growing network, bringing together at the beginning more than 15 researchers and combining their insights and experience;

  • Enables to cover a wide range of cities and a wide variety of case studies;

  • Enables us to include a substantial representation of current scientific disciplines involved in urban studies and digital humanities (e.g. history, sociology, political sciences, urban planning, cultural studies, arts and design). This allows to collect the information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and theories from different specialized scholarships, serving as a basis for further fundamental and transdisciplinary research.

  • Performs activities that are closely coordinated and focused, thus ensuring the comparability of the case studies.

  • Provides training schools, involving a wide range of undergraduate and graduate students.

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