
Links, References, Documents and Content of Interest

Trilogy Dynamics of Placemaking
Editors: Carlos Smaniotto Costa and Mastoureh Fathi

  • Volume 1: Placemaking in Practice
    Experiences and Approaches from a Pan-European Perspective
    Editors in Chief: Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Juan A. García-Esparza, and Mastoureh Fathi
    Editors: Aleksandra Djukic, Francesco Rotondo, and Conor Horan 2023
    Table of Contents and chapters at:

  • Volume 2: Engagement in placemaking: Methods, strategies and approaches
    Edited by Francesco Rotondo, Aleksandra Djukic, Preben Hansen, Edmond Manahasa, Mastoureh Fathi, and Juan A. García-Esparza
    Download Preliminary table of contents

  • Volume 3: The Future of Placemaking and Digitization: Emerging Challenges and Research Agenda
    Editors in Chief: Alexandra Delgado-Jiménez, Tatiana Ruchinskaya, and Cristina Palmese
    Editors: Carlos Smaniotto-Costa, Gulcer Kirdar, and Conor Horan
    Download Preliminary table of contents

Bibliography - May 2024
The bibliography below lists those publications of COST Action CA-18204 that directly stemmed from the fulfillment of MoU requirements. The publications came to light under a strict adherence to international academic standards after meticulous peer review processes. All publications are publicly available open access either through COST funding or through open access outlets and publication forums.

Bibliography - May 2024
The bibliography below lists those publications of COST Action CA-18204 that directly stemmed from the fulfillment of MoU requirements. The publications came to light under a strict adherence to international academic standards after meticulous peer review processes. All publications are publicly available open access either through COST funding or through open access outlets and publication forums.

DOPMADE Network Contributions - May 2024
In total, 108 external contributions to the CA 18204 DOPMADE Network are done during the duration of the COST Action

Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development
Thematic Issue, Vol 9 (2024)

Europe Now - Journal - Issue 57 | June 2024
“Placemaking Through Art in Vienna and Newcastle: An Interview with Bahanur Nasya and Yilmaz Vurucu” by Zsuzsanna Varga

Europe Now - Journal - Issue 29 | September 2019
A Special Feature, Contemporary Urban Research in the European City

Europe Now - Journal - Issue 17 | May 2018
A special feature on Digitization of Memory and Politics in Eastern Europe