knowledge management

Conor Horan

Researcher Name: 
Conor Horan

Technological University Dublin

Contact Email: 
Description of Research in Relation to Placemaking : 

Research into the intersection between knowledge spaces and placemaking. Specific interests lie in the widen participation and inclusion of communities into process for urban planning and placemaking with reference to the application of engaged scholarship principles. Specifically this includes the use of artifacts (such as architectural models, digital artifacts, placemaking games) to facilitate dialogue and encourage productive relational engagement.

Interest in Contribution Field/Context: 

Network Engagement and the inclusion of marginalise communities and participants in placemaking processes. 

Case Studies Conducted / Participated In: 

Games for Placemaking Case Study. 

External Stakeholders Engaged With: 

Oa Studios Israel

Modes of Investigation: 

Qualitative Research, Phenomenological Research, Pragmatism, Interpretivism