
Paulina Polko

Researcher Name: 
Paulina Polko

WSB University

Contact Email: 
Description of Research in Relation to Placemaking : 

Mapping (digitally) the crime: the dilemma of security, privacy and stigmatization in contemporary cities

The geographical presentation of various data on the spatial functioning of society has been present in fields such as social policy and security for almost 200 years. New technologies, in particular computerization and the GIS tool, not only make the mapping of social problems or security threats more accurate, but also allow for the interactive creation of those maps by society and public institutions. However, regarding less or more open access to the collected data, geographical presentation of the crimes implies new dilemmas, such as limitation of privacy, stigmatization or criminalization of migrancy (crimmigration) which can’t be explained by security reasons. Digital mapping of sensitive information has a strong impact on image of particular places and societies. Can stigmatize or praise, low house prices and increase insurance fees, impact on people choices and political decisions. 

Example of polish GIS-based tool: “National Map of Security Threats” implemented by the Police, compared to American, French and British cases

Case Studies Conducted / Participated In: 

Case studies of particular places in Poland indicated as dangerous 

Keywords for research experience: 
Keywords for research interest for collaboration: 
External Stakeholders Engaged With: 

The research is based on database provided by state Police in Poland 

Modes of Investigation: 

Mostly online, quantitative analyses