
Carola Hein

Researcher Name: 
Carola Hein

Delft University of Technology

Contact Email: 
Description of Research in Relation to Placemaking : 

Port cities are a particular type of cities, located at the intersection of sea and land. Investment in port infrastructure has created a typology in each port city that is both specific and generic: port infrastructure, docklands, cranes and warehouses are just some aspect of this particular landscape of port cities: the port cityscape.

Over time, port and city authorities and spaces have seemingly drifted apart. However, through water, land, and air, but also through people port and city remain connected. The Beirut blast has only be the latest reminder of the intricate relationship between port and city and the potentially deadly impact of their proximity. Separating port and city will not be the appropriate response, either. The corona crises has demonstrated the need for ports to facilitate global flows of goods and people.

Contemporary urgencies of climate change, sea-level rise, digitization or migration require new concepts for placemaking in port cities. The points of interaction between port and city need to be reconsidered and redefined with the goal to promote maritime mindsets. The interactions between diverse port and city stakeholders need to be rethought and reshaped to assure that each of the participants in the shared spaces of port and city has their respective interests reflected upon and included.

Finally, port and city authorities need to redevelop a shared culture. Mental mapping, metromapping and digital practices of deliberation can help facilitate such an exchange ( This contribution is connected to the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) PortCityFutures research group ( 

Interest in Contribution Field/Context: 

Architectural, urban and planning history; history as a foundation for design; port cities; international commodity flows and their impact on local development; scenario making

Case Studies Conducted / Participated In: 
Keywords for research experience: 
External Stakeholders Engaged With:, IPHS, GUHP, SACRPH, EAHN, UFM

Modes of Investigation: 

Historical research, mapping, digital tools.