COST Action-18204 invites proposals for Short Term Scientific Missions conducted by members of the Action. The application is open to proposals outlining specific projects undertaken by the visiting researcher at the institution of the host in relation to the aims and objectives of the Action. STSM’s are always to be carried out in countries different from the candidate’s base country. Several STSM’s may be carried out simultaneously to the same host institution with a view of constituting a research hub. The aim of the STSM’s is to prepare joint publications and projects that fulfil and further the aims of the Action.
The STSM’s may concern any aspect of digitization and placemaking described and listed amongst the objectives of the Action. The project is expected to be well-defined and the timeline will need to be realistic and harmony with the aims and objectives of the Mission. STSM’s may concern: joint publications, scholarly articles, plans concerning digital developments and any other scholarly and scientific activities in the scholarly fields identified in the Action. Proposals concerning digital pedagogy will be particularly welcome.