Ashkelon Academic College
I’m focusing on place attachment and placemaking of people to natural environments and urban setting. Also, I’m interested in urban planning, and especially, the benefits of walkable urban places for locals and visitors. Lastly, I’m focusing on digitization and its impacts on urban places and people.
Related key works:
- Ram, Y., Bjork, P. & Weidenfeld, A. (2016). Authenticity and place attachment of major visitor attractions. Tourism Management, 52, 110-122.
- Ram, Y., & Smith, M. (2019). An assessment of visited landscapes using a Cultural Ecosystems Services framework. Tourism Geographies, Doi 10.1080/14616688.2018.1522545
- Hall, C.M., & Ram, Y. (2019). Measuring the relationship between tourism and walkability?: Walk Score and English tourist attractions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(2), 223-240.
- Hall, C.M., & Ram, Y. (2020). Protecting Privacy in Tourism – A Perspective Article. Tourism Review, 75(1), 76-80
- Organizing and managing activities – as a co-chair of WG3
- Supervising STSM of young scholars who are interesting in place attachment or walkability, and other related topics.
- Research and data analysis
Ram Y. (2020). National Park or Urban Green Space: The Case of [Tel] Ashkelon, in C.M. Hall and S. Seyfi (Eds.). Cultural and Heritage Tourism in the Middle East and Africa. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ashkelon National Park the city of Ashkelon. The site contains archeological remains of different civilizations. The chapter presents the managerial steps that were taken to re-shape the visitor’s expectations and their implications on residents’ placemaking related issues. The chapter concludes with remarks addressing Tel Ashkelon National Park as a symbol for the challenges and dilemmas of cultural heritage conservation in the MENA region.
ICOMOS - ICOMOS is a non-governmental international organisation dedicated to the conservation of the world's monuments and sites
- Quantitative methods – surveys, analysis of secondary data from the web
- Mixed method (quantitative and qualitative)