Juan A. García-Esparza. Universitat Jaume I. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Through the adaptation of international methodologies, researchers have carried out a digital database that compiles and maps out the analysis of the Local Character Assessment of ten Historic Urban Cores by joining in the historical, architectural and social values.
The research will use techniques such as digital photo elicitation and in-person and digital interviews. A GIS database will evaluates the different options to characterize the historic urban cores What the experimental study seeks is to develop cohesive and inclusive activities in historic centres by analysing the attributes and values of the built environment. The study demonstrates that interest exists in visiting and understanding the local character of these places. Nonetheless, it implies the application of a range of traditional and innovative tools adapted to local contexts. The success of the study relies on empowering stakeholders, on setting transparent and ethical fundamentals, and, on respecting the distinctive character of these places.
Digital photo-elicitation, interviews and map making.
Architecture, building, urban studies
Conferences & Seminars:
- García-Esparza, J.A. 2020. The Local Character Assessment of Historic Urban Cores. The architectural and social values. 7th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Coimbra, Portugal, July 8-10, 2020.
- García-Esparza, J.A. 2020. Narrating the urban fabric of my own historic town. Field-work Exhibition: Writing Urban Places. Porto, November 18-19.
- García-Esparza, J.A. 2020. Cultural policy and the unconventional practices. Contemporary questions to the conservation of historic urban cores in Spain. WoS Q1-2 Journal. Under preparation