On Urban Research in Europe: An Interview with Pekka Tuominen

01 July 2020 |

Our very own Dr. Pekka Tuominen from the University of Helsinki and lead on Working Group 1 interviewed as part of the special feature on Contemporary Urban Research in the European City by Europe Now Journal.

"I’m a social and cultural anthropologist based at the university of Helsinki. We are collaborating with various universities that are linked with the TACT network. I’ve worked for 15 years doing research on urban transformation in Istanbul, but am now involved with a new project that was initiated at the beginning of 2017, which concentrates on a district of Helsinki called Kontula, which is 16 kilometers to the east from the city center. It is a suburban estate built mostly in the 1960s and 1970s, and has a really strong reputation as a dangerous place. However, reality and its reputation differ widely. I have been doing field work there for the whole year and now I’m writing a book about what’s happening there."

- Pekka Tuominen

You can read the full interview on https://www.europenowjournal.org/2018/04/30/on-urban-research-in-europe-an-interview-with-pekka-tuominen/