Junior Research Fellow, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences
My primary focus of research is on urban heritage sites. Within the body of existing literature, cultural heritage sites can denote various “lieux de memoire” from museums through cultural landscapes to monuments. Placemaking has a double relevance here: the creation of these sites re/define places, but at the same time their use results in a condition where place is in a continuous change.
As such, cultural heritage sites mirror the political, social and cultural forces through which they operate in the urban space. They are all potentially conflict-filled spaces, in which not only the right of access becomes questioned, but also the different visions of identity.
My primary focus of research is on urban heritage sites. Within the body of existing literature, cultural heritage sites can denote various “lieux de memoire” from museums through cultural landscapes to monuments. Placemaking has a double relevance here: the creation of these sites re/define places, but at the same time their use results in a condition where place is in a continuous change.
As such, cultural heritage sites mirror the political, social and cultural forces through which they operate in the urban space. They are all potentially conflict-filled spaces, in which not only the right of access becomes questioned, but also the different visions of identity.
“The Transfiguration of the Hero: A Memory Politics of the Everyday in Berlin and Budapest”
ELTE, CEU, Open Society Archive, Association of Cultural Heritage Managers
Qualitative explorations, visual sociology, narrative interviews