Jerusalem, we are here

City / Country / Region: 
Jerusalem, Israel
2017 - 2019
Commissioner(s) / Initiator(s): 

An international group of Israeli and Palestinians from Jerusalem, North-Americans and Cyprians. 

Local / Citizens' Knowledge Production as a Tool for Placemaking: 

The main products of the project are a documentary and an online mapping platform in which each house that existed up to 1948 in several neighbourhoods in Jerusalem has a live link that provides information about the house’s Palestinian history. The map allows anyone to take virtual tours in the neighbourhoods and learn about their contested history. The project also offered guided (physical) tours but I’m not sure if they’re still doing that. 

Participatory Processes: 

This organic mapping project is an ongoing collaboration with community members who contribute photos, documents and memories. The information presented in the maps is based on people’s stories, photos, documents and artifacts and people are invited to contact the creators and add more information for the missing homes. People’s oral histories and family information are presented in the description of the homes. 

Digital Tools Used: 

Interactive online mapping, a documentary 

Articles / Publications / Websites: