CRAFTS AND ARTISANS. Evaluation of towns to develop a Territorial Heritage Action Plan in Castellón, Spain. GV/2017/100

City / Country / Region: 
Valencia Region, Spain
Commissioner(s) / Initiator(s): 

Juan A. García-Esparza. Universitat Jaume I. Generalitat Valenciana.

Local / Citizens' Knowledge Production as a Tool for Placemaking: 

Present research on small and medium-sized historic settlements enters into the study of the built environment through the crafts that make them up and the artisans, who made, use and reinterpret them. The results of this work involve the interaction between stakeholders in the decision-making process and the involvement of artisans in transmitting knowledge.

Participatory Processes: 

The research uses techniques such as photo elicitation and interviews in workshops, and GIS analysis evaluates the different options to characterize the landscape. The analysis explains the different phases of the research to establish the basis of the heritagization process of these places. The study also establishes a parallel perspective for valorization between researchers and local population - objective and subjective visions - thus encouraging the interest of society linked to the setting.

Digital Tools Used: 


Disciplinary / Professional Field: 

Architecture, building, urban studies

Articles / Publications / Websites: 

Conferences and Seminars:

  • García-Esparza, J.A. 2018. Time, cognition and making: the dynamic authentic in Historic Urban Landscapes. ICOMOS CIVVIH - International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages Conference. Nîmes, France. September 19-23.
  • Altaba, P. & García-Esparza, J.A. 2018. The perception of heritage values and their analysis by using GIS tools in vernacular heritage landscapes. HERITAGE 2018 – 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Granada. June 12-15.
  • García-Esparza, J.A. 2017. Forgotten cultural landscapes. Creating heritage - making futures? ICOMOS Reconstruction Workshop, A contemporary provocation: reconstructions as tools of futuremaking, ICOMOS France, Paris. March 13 - 15.


  • García-Esparza, J.A. & Altaba, P. 2020. A GIS-based Methodology for the Appraisal of Historical, Architectural and Social Values in Historic Urban Cores. Frontiers of Architectural Research.
  • García-Esparza, J.A. 2019. Beyond the intangible-tangible binary in cultural heritage. An analysis from rural areas in Valencia Region, Spain. International Journal of Intangible Heritage. 14 (1): 123-137.
  • Altaba, P. & García-Esparza, J.A. 2018. The heritagization of a Mediterranean Vernacular Mountain Landscape: Concepts, Problems and Processes. Heritage & Society 11 (3), 189-210.
  • García-Esparza, J.A. 2018. Clarifying dynamic authenticity in cultural heritage. A look at vernacular built environments. In: C. Holtorf, L. Kealy & T. Kono (Eds.) ICOMOS. Volume 1 - ICOMOS University
  • Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions.
  • García-Esparza, J.A., Altaba, P. 2018. Time, cognition and approach. Sustainable strategies for abandoned vernacular landscapes. Sustainability 10 (8): 2712-33.